There are many financial products in the market, and so choosing the ones that best meet an individual client’s needs can be complicated. Informed decisions about the products in any portfolio are best made after an assessment of individual needs. After meeting to do this, you are better informed when the time comes to choose from a comprehensive suite of products and services and select those that address your unique situation.


Products and services include:

Life Insurance, The Review Process, Goals & Objectives

Problem: Life insurance is a complicated asset and can serve several purposes. It is a living asset; affected by mortality, interest rates and other variable and must be reviewed at minimally on an annual basis. We all know your situation changes over time and you can modify your life insurance portfolio to meet your new goals & objectives. For years, life insurance companies offered products that we not transparent and

Wealth Transfer

This type of planning incorporates minimizing tax liabilities and maximizing values for the future generations. Most of our clients want to maintain control of their assets but shift tax liability and growth to future generations. Below is tax saving techniques. Strategy #1-Wills, Trusts, Asset-Shifting Make proper use of Wills and Living Trusts and consider re-titling of assets between spouses to take advantage of the current $11,500,000 Federal Estate Tax exemption

Life Insurance Settlements

The “settlement” industry is a market where a life insurance policy owner (with the cooperation of the insured) can sell their life insurance policy as opposed to letting the policy lapse or surrendering the policy. Institutional capital markets are buyers as they recognize building an attractive non-correlated asset portfolio has significant value and fits within their asset allocation strategies. Policy owners can take advantage and secure significant benefits from un-needed

Exit Planning

Exit planning is a process that will result in successfully transitioning out of the business. You need to: set priorities, determine the value, sale to an insider or outsider and this should incorporate into your estate/wealth transfer planning. How much longer do you want to work in the business? What annual income do you require? Who do you want to transfer the business to; family, co-owner, key executives or and

Selective Benefit Planning

Your success in business is a result of your people & your processes. In the closely held space, attracting, retaining and incenting talent is key. There are numerous plans that can be designed to specification, keeping your talent in the business performing at their best and creating additional income for them at their retirement. These plans are tax favored to both the employer and the executive. Cost effectiveness and cash

Income Planning

Not everyone of us is equally prepared for retirement. While some of us are fortunate to have built a nest egg that will last us through our Golden Years, others will depend on government programs for retirement income. Regardless of which side of this divide you are on, Annuities can be a powerful vehicle to help you fund your retirement dreams. Whether it is to deliver guaranteed income to you

Long-term Care and Chronic Illness

There are two types of long- term care hybrid solutions. Hybrid, in that these solutions are not traditional long -term care insurance, but also, hybrid as a choice superior in cost and benefit. The two hybrids are: linked benefit plans, and accelerated death benefit plans. A linked benefit plan links cash, long term care and death benefits into one pool-package with the sales and benefit emphasis on a large pool

Disability Income Planning

Your future and your income are tied together. Life changes quickly when a diagnosis is given or when an accident occurs. The key financial fears we all have are: a. dying too young, b. living too long and c. getting injured or sick & loosing independence along the way. You don’t want to be the story told amongst your friends and colleagues. You need properly designed & coordinated disability coverage